Monday, July 25, 2011

And on that note...

LIBE 467 has been another great course in my studies towards my Diploma in Education: Teacher-Librarianship. I have especially appreciated the practical nature of the course and the lessons and assignments we did. I am a more "seasoned" teacher and no longer wish to waste my time with "all talk and no action." This is not to say that I do not like theories or meaningful discussion, quite the contrary. I want to see those theories in action. I want to use them, put them into practice, and then come to my own conclusions about their appropriateness for my situation.

Before beginning this course, I had many questions about the reference section of the library I am inheriting in September. I wanted to know if we should be purchasing print encyclopedias, what good and reliable web-based references are out there, how much does all this cost, and how can I make it better. I'm not sure I have come to firm conclusions but I definitely have a strong base on which to build.

I now know I need to "live" with my library for a bit, maybe even the first year. I will be making some physical changes to the reference space and I will be introducing a research model to all grade 8 students in September, but other changes, especially with regards to acquisitions, will need to wait until I better see how the material is being used, and if I can change that.

Our final lesson readings concluded with a statement to help us evaluate our library program;

"Resource-based learning actively involves students, teachers and teacher-librarians in the effective use of a wide range of print, non print and human resources. Resource-based learning fosters the development of individual students by accommodating their varied interests, experiences, learning styles, needs and ability levels. Students who use a wide range of resources in various mediums for learning have the opportunity to approach a theme, issue or topic of study in ways which allow for a range of learning styles and access to the theme or topic via cognitive or affective appeals."

I think what is really great about this statement, is this is what we did in this class. We participated in resource-based learning. We used a range of print and non-print resources, we worked together, and we learned and demonstrated our learning in different ways.

I leave this course with a written outline of how I want to update and re-think my library's reference section. I have a 5-step plan that I have already started to put in place and am excited to continue in September. I also have the start of a great collaboration with my "change" teacher, Marlene. I am excited to keep working with her on her technology skills and then move on to introducing more resources into her lessons and assignments. I will be working with Marlene and her grade 8 social studies students in the fall and I know this will be a positive experience and a chance for me to put into practice everything I have learned.

Like all of my on-line learning so far, I am once again impressed by my class mates. I always come away with a list of references and resources, contacts at other schools, and a firm sense that I am not alone - probably the most valuable of the things I take away. Although I think I still prefer face-to-face communication and interaction, I enjoy "meeting" new people and being inspired by teachers new to the profession, even those who are still searching for a position. I have been so fortunate in my teaching career and I hope that comes across in the comments I make in our discussions. I truly love what I do and have never wanted to be anything else - probably partially because my mom was a school secretary and made working at a school seem like the best and most important job ever - which it is! I am so excited to move to this new area of teaching and I hope that I will be able to work with more staff and students so that my excitement can be contagious.

Thanks for a great course and experience!

1 comment:

  1. Be kind to yourself. It takes a minimum of a year to get your footing and to know your collection - and knowing it is critical.
